Agreed, weight loss is not the easiest thing to achieve. One way to make is simple is by consuming foods that has the ability to make you feel full for longer hours. This way, you tend to eat less and the process becomes easier for you as your body digest just about what you need to stay healthy and in shape. Unprocessed brown rice is most definitely one of such healthy weight loss food. Perhaps you are wondering, how is it possible for brown rice to help you in attaining weight loss? Well, fiber! that's where the solution is. This whole grain is very high in quality fiber, that's why you need it in your diet.
In order to come to terms with the importance of brown rice as a healthy weight loss food, we shall take a cursory look at how this grain is produced and the difference between white and brown rice. During the process of producing brown rice, only the hull is seperated from the grain thereby saving its natural fiber content and other vital nutrients that comes with it. The back of the grain, other wise known as bran (the brown skin) is left intact with the rice. Very much unlike white rice, which has only the starch filled middle of the grain left and contains less vital nutrition as well as fiber which is key to weight loss. Do you know that by polishing brown rice with artificial colouration, takes away 90% of vitamin B6 and over 50%phosphorus, manganese, iron and other essential vitamins and minerals. This process totally removes fiber from the grain, which is the bone of contention here.
Why is fiber so important you may ask? That is because it occupies larger volume in your belly from the food you eat, this way you don't feel hungery but feel full for longer hour. It is alway best to experiment a theory to prove it. Why not try eating a large chunk of brown rice, then drink lots of water. You will see that you will remain full for a long time and have less appetite for more food, thus eating less and by implication assisting your weight loss goals. As a matter of fact, this healthy weight loss food, just one cup will give you well over 14% of your daily needs for fiber. I only know just a few other foods that has as much fiber.
In order to consolidate and biuld up your fiber intake, consume more foods high in fiber, avoid high fatty foods and drink much more water. Every high fiber diet, demands that you consume more water. My personal favorite is per boiled or steamed with lots of green vegetables to go with it. All fresh fruits comes with a good quantity of quality fiber, you would want to add that to your diet as well so you can be healthy as you go about your weight loss goals.
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