Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Perfect Body for Fitness and Health

Building an ideal body for perfect fitness and health is just four factors away!!! The R factors!!!
What are they? Revd up.

You must integrate a continuing Aerobic (with oxygen) workout program in all of your weekly targets. This translates to at least 3 times per week, you must practice strengthening and caring for your heart against the hazards related to an inactive way of life. Your heart will be grateful for it, when you Rev up your motor and maintain in revved for a at least of 20-30 minutes three times  weekly in your intended heart rate zone. Aerobic (with oxygen) work out will certainly develop your Body’s ideal Fitness and Health in addition to making your heart stronger so your entire body can perform more proficiently.

Eventually more oxygen will run through your body and lessen the hazard of gloominess and nervousness in addition to increasing your good cholesterol (HDL) and lowering the possibility of heart related illnesses. Consider it!! Reduce your possibility of a heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, and all it requires is a little body activity for 30 minutes 3 times weekly. How can i sign up?

What is your target heart rate?
Firstly, the sort of exercise does not make any difference. You can walk, ride a bike, run, work out on a treadmill, stair climber, elliptical machine, or any activity that will place you into an aerobic (with oxygen) state.

Driving your heart rate up to and sustaining a range of 65%-80% of your MHR (maximum heart rate) for 20-30 minutes. Remember that your body will not begin to burn surplus fat and carbohydrates until you get to around the 20 minute mark of that 65%-80% MHR. You body will then break down and begin to gulp up those accumulates of fat in your body and chew up on them to assist you in diminishing your body fat % and arrive at a lean Body ideal YOU!!!

To determine your MHR you must initially take 220 and take away your age. That happens to be your high end of the threshold of your heart rate.

For instance:
I am 43, 220-43= 177 is my top end of my heart rate.
I essentially would be at a fatigue rate with my heart sustained at 177. The Implication is that I would not be able to continue working out at that high a level for a prolonged period of time and actually I wouldn’t derive any long term Aerobic gain.

My objective is to maintain it between 65%-80% of that 177 limit for my age:
177 X 65%=115
177X 80%=142
So my target would be to maintain my heart rate in the 115-142 range for the most excellent Aerobic training for FAT loss and to maintain it in that region for a bare least amount of 20 minutes, since the real advantage begins after 20 minutes. So if you can integrate cardiovascular activity at least 3 times weekly for 30 minutes or more you have just finished the first vital step in the R FACTORs for a Perfect Body @ Body Perfect Fitness!!!!

 Resistance/Endurance Training
Carrying Weights, lifting something, applying force on your muscles to create hypertrophy. Exercising!!!! Yes researches have proved that integrating resistance training into your every day and every week. Body Perfect Fitness and Health routine, will aid a modification of your body composition. Connoting that you will add more muscle and decrease the quantity of fat in your body. A good resistance training program is crucial in the transformation to a thinner more definite body that will perform better for you when you are idle. Researches have revealed that a elevated % muscle composition body will enhance burning more calories per hour when at rest than a body with more fat proportions. Lean bodies Burn more FAT!!!!!!

The way you eat and what you eat!!!!
Of course, it is very essential in the R Factors to integrate a retraining process of your eating patterns. You have to visualize your body as a car that requires to be refueled every day. The proper kind of fuel will establish how your engine runs. Little foods every 3-4 hours that contain low glycemic index foods that have reduced fat, are okay. Compound carbohydrates and that integrate the proper kind of lean proteins; will supply a well rounded nutritionally sound eating plan that controls your blood sugar all through the day.

Don't believe the school of thought that says you can consume all the FATTY Foods you desire so long as they contain high in protein and low carbohydrates. You body actually require fat, but it requires the accurate types of fat. The fat that is unsaturated and low in trans-fats. Stay with fats such as Olive oil and Canola Oil. The fats in nuts like Almonds are exceptional as they have little saturated fats and more of the good fats. These fats assist you in raising your HDL and reduce your LDL levels in your body so as to maintain a healthy cholesterol level. When considering low glycemic foods think of one other vital factor.

GREEN IS GOOD!!!!- Yes the darker the green the better. That implies that is crucial that you should try to include Dark green vegetables into each meal.
 To each meal I incorporate the following great low glycemic veggies:
Green Beans
Therefore endeavor and merge in a salad at lunch with fresh spinach or romaine lettuce. Keep in mind, the darker the green the better. These lettuces will supply you more nutritional advantage than iceberg lettuce which is very light in color and consists mostly of water.
Have a pleasant bountiful serving of a dark green vegetable with your twilight protein. Each night I have one of the vegetables mentioned above with every single meal.
Steamed Asparagus or Sauteed spinach in olive oil with garlic coupled with some light low sodium flavors are superb complements to a nice clean broiled piece of Salmon filet or lean chicken breast, prepared the way you enjoy it.

Go Fiber!!
When considering eating carbohydrates consider fiber and the quantity that carb has. Are you taking plain white rice or did you choose brown or wild rice, which is less processed and more natural in terms of accumulating fiber and being lesser on the glycemic index for a carbohydrate. Can you leave out the potatoes and just take a larger segment of broccoli or asparagus??
I seldom eat potatoes or plain white rice in my eating plan any longer. I have chosen to eat very lean healthy fish or meats together with extremely nutritional and low glycemic index veggies and when I take carbohydrates, I ensure that they are as natural an unprocessed as possible and that they shore up fiber intake in my diet naturally.

Keep in mind that you require carbohydrates for energy and if you are working the
R Factors in the rightly you will require those significant complex and indispensable carbohydrates for keeping up your energy level up and assisting in revitalizing your body. Also bear in mind that a lot of foods that boast about being Low in fat or having no fat, have loads of BAD carbohydrates. Observe white flour products like plain white breads and pretzels or as I mentioned earlier plain white rice and pasta. Regrettably these processed carbohydrates which do not supply a wonderful quantity of the correct nutrients, facilitates the elevation your insulin levels and blood sugar and also assists you in storing FAT!!!

Your body requires time for relaxation and revitalization!!! To finish the R factors it is necessary that you to permit your body to refresh itself from your Resistance training and also your Aerobic training as well. It is possible to excessively train your body with diminishing returns and as you exercise and tear down your muscles, you need to give them sufficient time to relax, recuperate, and restore themselves to develop a stronger and slimmer YOU!! At all times permit a minimum of a day of rest between sessions and ensure that if your body signals you that you are exhausted, sore or hurting, DO NOT drive yourself or compel yourself into risking hurting yourself!! Pay attention to your body. Allow yourself time to regain your strength and you will complete and sustain the: R Factors - An immense way to Get Fit @ Body Perfect Fitness!!!!

Robert Adams, trainer for Weight Loss, Personal and proficient Development, Fitness devotee, and Executive Chef, will provide you one-on-one DAILY SUPPORT, as you pursue your lifelong vision of enduring weight loss and returning to a healthy lifestyle. There is NO silver bullet, NO instant method, NO magic drug, NO short cut, NO impractical claims, just a sound and verified technique that will give you a weight loss program that delivers!

Your weight loss trainer will assist you each and every step of the way giving you encouragement, enthusiasm, and will educate you on the secrets that all slim people recognize, so that you can lose weight in a proper way and permit you to sustain your weight and return to your Body Perfect Fitness and Health for life.

Your Diet Need More Calcium

Women on diets require more calcium than usual to stay away from bone loss, say Rutgers University researchers. Studies proved a weight loss diet of 1.5 pounds per week for 6 weeks reduces assimilation of calcium. In 57 after menopausal dieters it was realized that those women that ate 1,800 mg of calcium a day assimilated 78 percent more calcium compared to those who consumed only 1,000 mg a day. To put off bone loss, women dieting post menopause ought to get 1,700 mg of calcium daily, the professionals counsel. For those on low-fat, high fiber diets calcium needed are also more. Studies ascertain that 19 percent less calcium is assimilated. It is stated that the healthier diet shifts food quicker through the gastrointestinal tract. While it is widespread information that calcium is essential for bone-growth, research establishes that calcium also inhibits fat absorption. Studies show that calcium obstructs fat accumulation in fat cells. A least amount of 1,000 mg. of calcium every day advances total cholesterol and good HDL, but reduces bad LDL. In spite of the hype of the significance of calcium for healthy bones, research reveals that eating has reduced over the past 30 years.

Specialists suggest 1,000 mg of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D every day for citizens below   50, and 1,500 mg of calcium and 800 IU of vitamin D for those above 50. The harmless upper limit for calcium consumption has been put at 2,500 mg a day. Professionals believe going above that level on a daily basis may encourage kidney stone formation.

Once you begin, never quit taking calcium/vitamin D additives daily. USDA researchers discovered that sequel to a 3- year study more than one-third of participants discontinued taking the supplements. Inside one year, the women lost all bone-density increases and men lost their increases in two years. For those who are lactose intolerant calcium and vitamin D supplementation is even more essential since it will be hard to get the day by day needs through diet alone. For those that react to cow's milk. Drink sufficient soy milk to provide you 500 mg of calcium per glass as a contrast to 300 mg in cow’s milk. Studies at Creighton University in Omaha, NE, revealed that 25 percent less calcium is assimilated from soy milk as cow’s milk.

Improve your Overall Health by Monitoring your Body Fat

With so lots of diets and fads being presented on the market today, it is no surprise that people are not just perplexed on the subject of weight loss and health, but in numerous scenarios, essentially doing their body more damage than good. Regrettably, one of the facets of dieting that you observe often times is the decrease or removal of fat. The dilemma is that the body requires a definite quantity of fat to work well but without going beyond healthy level. As you will observe in this piece of writing, understanding what the accurate level is and how to keep an eye on it are central to general health and wellness.

Research has been able to associate some conditions for instance heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure with elevated levels of body fat. The aim is to make certain your body has sufficient fat to work properly but not in excess, whereby sickness could develop into a problem. The most excellent technique for a person to find out the level of body fat is by evaluating it on a constant basis with an easy tool known as a caliper. In minutes, you will identify accurately how much body fat you are hauling around with you. With this knowledge, you will then be able to regulate your diet, cardio workout, and weight training to get the fat-to-muscle ratio in order.

Remember that there are numerous choices; one is a body fat analyzer. Furthermore, there is the skin fold test in which waist to hip ratio dimensions will be taken, circumference sizes, hydrostatic weight, near infrared analysis, bioelectrical impedance, total body potassium determination, and a test recently presented named the plethysmographic measurement, which is based on the law of air displacement. All of these examinations are high-quality gauges of your present fat-to-muscle ratio.

Now, if you want to go through an expert to find out your exact body fat level, there are two brilliant alternatives, both being precise, the first is the Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) and the second, Hydrostatic Weighing. With DEXA, a complete body scanner is employed that measures and distinguishes between bone mass and soft tissue mass. This kind of scan can be concluded in about 20 minutes and is straightforward, giving precision within a 2% slip margin. Lots of insurance companies will take care of the fee of DEXA but if not, you can have the scan carried out with $100.

Through Hydrostatic Weighing, the body is weighed beneath water. During the examination yoi sit on a scale beneath water while blowing out as much air from your lungs as you can. Then when submerged beneath the water's surface, you would blow out even more air. Since fat does not weigh as much as water, the more fat someone’s body has, the more they will float. Therefore, Hydrostatic Weighing works by evaluating underwater weight so that body density can be measured.

Conversely, if you want to have the opportunity of shaping your fat-to-muscle ratio by yourself and daily if you like, you can just buy a caliper from pharmacy stores, health equipment stores, and even on the internet. Just bear in mind that if you are concerned about losing weight, as a substitute to the bathroom scale, it is significant that you concern yourself more about the surplus fat being carried. Though a regular scale will tell you if you are losing weight from diet and work out, however, a scale will not inform if you are losing the body's muscle or fat.

Understanding how to calculate and take charge of your body fat gives you a level of control of your future. The issue is that the most people know next to nothing about their bodies. To become and stay healthy, you need to comprehend your body - how it functions and what your body composition is so you can make decisions that will be in the best interest of your general health and wellness. Once more, the best way to attain this is to integrate good diet, cardio exercise, and reasonable weight training into your day by day schedule, while measuring your fat-to-muscle ratio with a caliper.

Weight Training/Workout Routines for Beginners

So you need to get rid of some pounds? Maybe you desire to bulk up and define and build up your muscle tone? Perhaps you just want to include a little diversity to your workout program. Weight training habits gives a great way to achieve these aims. These kinds of training schedules are employed by skilled athletes, fitness experts and body builders. Lots of people incorporate weight training into their overall exercise programs combining it with cardio workout or other activities. For a weight training program to be helpful, there is a need to target it to accomplish exact results. The workout you incorporate will be determined by what you desire to achieve.

Fundermental weight training exercises.
When beginning with weight training programs, it is necessary to understand proper methods before jumping into harder workouts or heavier weights. It is an excellent idea to create an outline or routine to assist you to stick to your program and obtain constant results, for starters, working out for 30-45 minutes twice or thrice a week is suggested. As stated earlier, the workouts you add to your routine will be determined by the result you want.

Strength Training exercise
A muscle increases in strength when used constantly. For instance, someone lifting 5lb dumbbells following the same workout pattern will make their muscles to perform at a particular level and will retain tone muscles. To improve strength and bulk, the muscles will have to be compelled to lift above the usual range meaning, no pain no gain. In order to go beyond the current level and increase strength, an exercise should gradually add more weights, sets or repetitions in a set. It may be required to shift to another kind of lifting exercise. Those who desire increase in strength while keeping at a minimum the growth of muscle mass should target the highest number or repetitions probable for each weight instead of attempting to lift something heavier than any other person.

Muscle toning routines
A muscle increases and strengthens when you push it more than its average capability. Those who desire speedy muscle increase will lift heavier and employ diverse means to ‘shock’ their bodies into developing muscle. Lots of people concur that free weights are better appropriate for developing muscles instead of resistance machines for the reason that they compel all the muscles to support the weight, rather than permitting the machine to assist. It is also crucial to add workouts that develop specific areas like chest presses, bicep curls, calf raises or back squats.

Developing muscle also needs revitalization so that it can adapt. This includes having the proper diet, rest and breaks in between work outs. A lot of weight training programs aimed at building mass suggest a revitalization time of 2 or 3 days in between training sessions. You may choose circuit training or cardio exercises in the meantime, however, bear in mind that burning too much calories can reduce muscle growth. Lots of people who find it hard to accumulate muscle are making the blunder of doing it too much.

Weight loss workouts
Muscles are weightier that flab, this has led to some people getting angry with their weight lifting programs. If the inappropriate routine is employed, a person can in fact add weight due to the fact that they are accumulating muscle rapidly. Those who desire weight loss should use the reverse approach from developing muscle. They should carry smaller weights with additional repetitions and engage in cardio activities more often.

Equipment Types
There are numerous varieties of weight training equipments accessible from foundational weights like dumbbells and barbells, to weight training stations and variable resistance equipments. Free weights typically use more of the body’s muscles during an exercise. Because you are not resting on any resistance or other shore up to even out your weight, your get better coordination as well. But this can increase the hazards of free weight for starters who do not have the appropriate methods or who choose weight outside their abilities. Free weights usually make use of smaller space when compared to training stations. And can be bought in the amount, style and price range to fit any budget.

Resistance training equipments use the framework of the machine to aim at a particular muscle and exercise it without the use of other related muscles. Resistance machines are of divergent varieties. Some give the same resistance all through the muscle movement. They exert the utmost resistance on a muscle or joint at its most vulnerable point like the elbow which is extended. Free weights like dumbbells fit into this group. However, there are also equipments with ropes and weight piles that give continuous resistance.

Variable resistance equipments use mechanics to regulate the level of resistance on a muscle depending on the contraction or slant of the joint. Therefore, resistance is amplified at the end where a better angle makes lifting easier. The superior machines use the outcomes of all embracing research to assist in improving results, Limit injuries and offer a range of exercise alternatives.

Perhaps you are making use of free weights or weight benches and other apparatus, it is vital to have a checkup prior to beginning an exercise program, particularly if you have experienced current health issues, if you are overweight of have been senile for many months. It is also proper to work alongside a fitness expert or therapist initially to set up a weight training program that you can cope with and that is aimed at achieving your desired results.

Diet and fat consumption can influence your weight training plan and a lot of people talk to a nutrition professional before starting a workout program. Developing muscles needs dissimilar foods compared to losing weight so don’t discourage your efforts by acquiring some information on your diet before you begin.
Just like all forms of exercise, it takes some time for you to see the desired changes. Expectantly, you will start feeling more lively, full of life and joyful as soon as you start your weight training program. Nevertheless, the loss of weight or building of muscles will take a while longer. The result can be faint initially. Snap pictures or document weight, size and other facts before you start and evaluate weekly to see your advancement more plainly. This will assist you in appreciating the change occurring thereby increasing the likelihood of you continuing with the routine.

Dieting: What Your Focus Should Be!

 Have you ever made up your mind to go on a journey to someplace fairly unknown? All of a sudden, everywhere you look, you’ll see something about your planned destination. Switch on a travel TV and it is featured. Take up a newspaper and there is a write up concerning it. Why this all round interest in a place didn’t really think much about.

That is secret; before now you never gave it much thought. The subject was always there somewhere but you did not give it any attention so you didn’t take note. We are encircled by lots of motivation and information that we do not have the ability to notice more than a fraction of what enters our environment. We sieve out most of the stimuli through our own concentration or lack of it. Get involved in a new endeavor and what you perceived as a constricted underdeveloped subject is exposed as a wide reaching, massive, largely developed area in which you are a greenhorn among professionals who seem to be widely acknowledged and respected- the ‘sage’ of the new field- but you have never come across them before.

Shifting your interest alters your world in that your filters have been reshaped. It usually happens instantaneously when something you see or hear connects to you, fascinates you and pulls your thoughts in novel directions. It may also occur by obligation when you are compelled to look into new areas so as to achieve a special aim. For instance, I have been writing for a long time, I never considered anything outside the usual publishing which says put it forward to the commercial publishers and believer that after a mindboggling number of refusals, something will work out. I found out about self publishing on the net one day, and walked into a huge world I had no prior knowledge of. Once published, I was compelled to delve into the world of publicity that I hitherto thought was a small segment mainly composed of celebrities and public personalities. The depth and width of knowledge was inspiring. After many months going through, I barely scraped the surface.

The bottom line is this; if we can alter the way we perceive our environment instinctively or by obligation, WHY NOT ALTER IT BY DESIGN? If I mostly ponder on food then all I see around is food related stimuli. I will see and concentrate on food advertisements, cooking shows, recipe sources, new eateries, cookware and ‘absolutely amazing’ kitchen appliances. If I think of myself as a gourmet, I will examine the look of the dish and the complexity of the ingredients. If I am on a diet, I will look at the details of how many carbohydrates, the level of fat, the number of grains of protein, and the overall caloric content. If my concentration is on health, I will check out the vitamins, minerals and the free radical scavengers. Wherever I focus on, it doesn’t make any difference. IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD.  If we desire to alter that, to take away food from its vital position in our lives, we have to quit pondering upon it. It is not a simple task but it is possible even if it is agonizing. The valid question is how we can achieve it. Go over the last two pages. We design our world through the way we sieve its inputs. We will have to sift every scrap of food (forgive the pun) possible and substitute it with a dissimilar input that will not make us fat.

Pleasurable Diversions
This is where we go in divergent ways since everyone have their own favorites and unfavorable. For someone, the thought of sex maybe a good alternative while for another football may be it. Yet another may see a great mystery novel a pleasurable diversion. What is significant at this junction is to choose something you enjoy doing. You will have lots of time to deal with the excruciating parts of weight loss but at this initial stage, your preference is of topmost significance. Put down your martyrdom inclination for another time.
Make your choice from any of these items or include your own personal selections;
Video games
Jigsaw puzzles

I’m reluctant to add workouts. Though that is clearly a good thing for your health, If it is something you enjoy, you will not be overweight. However, we are on the lookout for pleasurable diversions here and not ‘shoulds’ and ‘ought tos’.

Weight Loss Surgery: A Last Option

 Considering weight loss surgery? You are not the only one. About 65% of Americans are overweight or obese. A lot of people are searching for how to reduce their body weight and enjoy a healthier more vibrant lifestyle. A speedy surgical process appears to be a good alternative. However, for most people, weight loss surgery should be the last option.

One widespread type of weight loss surgery is liposuction, a process of removing unwanted fat from the waistline. Thousands of people-majorly women- go through liposuction procedure each year. For lots of people, it seems to be a much easier option compared to diet and exercise. Still, current studies establish that eliminating abdominal fat through liposuction gives nearly none of the health profits  of ‘usual” weight loss; reduced sugar levels, insulin and inflammation-related biomarkers, besides the advantages of increased cardiovascular fitness, better muscle tone, stronger bones etc.

Another obscure problem with liposuction weight loss surgery is; more than 40% of patients go back to become as fat as they were before the procedure. The reason is simply for the facts that they make no healthy lifestyle modifications. Many erroneously think they can now work out less and eat more now that the abdominal fat cells are reduced. Clearly this theory is wrong and many people discover that the hard way.
Other forms of weight loss surgery are fashioned out for seriously obese- usually people who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 and above. These procedures which involve gastric bypass and a variety of banding and taping techniques have assisted many-previously obese- people to enjoy a better quality of life. Nevertheless, these procedures involve a sizeable amount of risk. Some of the risks include;
Death; according to the mayo clinic, at least one in 200-300 people who undergo gastric bypass surgery dies from the procedure.

Post surgery problems; some weight loss surgery patients go through serious complications like internal bleeding, infections and blood clots. Some others need to go through follow-up procedures to correct issues like abdominal hernias.

Gallstones; above one third of patients develop gallstones due to loss of large quantity of body weight after a weight surgery procedure.

Nutrient deficiencies; a few weight loss surgeries upset the digestion process, if you do not have appropriate dietary supplementations, this can case insufficiency in many vital nutrients, Particularly vitamins B12 and D, iron and folate.

Anybody thinking of weight surgery should consider the hazards as compared to the advantages. They should also understand that those hese severe procedures are not cosmetic. Majority of the patients only lose about 30% of their body weight and stay overweight for the rest of their lives. In other words, weight loss surgery will make you skinny and pretty. Of course, if you are totally overweight, it may give wonderful health profits. However, if you want to get slender without the ‘troubles ‘of healthy diet and frequent workouts, you better think twice.

Low Carb Diets, No-Carb?

Half information’s are harmful…and lot of people are attempting low carb diets  are sadly unsuccessful in achieving weight loss in the long haul for the reason that they took the idea to the extreme thinking that if low carb diets are good, definitely no-carb diet would be even better? Wide off the mark! One of the fundamental reasons why low carb diets are delivering results for many people is because it compels them to eliminate nutrient deficient junk foods from their daily food consumption. In the last twenty years, the typical North American diet has become so contaminated with processed foods, sugars and dangerous fats so much so that the typical American is now clinically overweight.

Low carb diet attributes their success to common sense and not a “diet revelation”. It was never appropriate to take doughnuts, soda pop, big Macs, deep fried French fries and pizza every day. As people’s day to day living became busier, the arrival of fast foods and convenience food grew astronomically. Initially, it made things easy for busy families ensuring that they have dinner; however we are now becoming aware of the true cost of the convenience.

Processed and refined foods change foods from their usual compound state, breaking them up into powders which are easily handled, stored and made use of in the manufacturing process. The inadvertent result of this refining process is that it makes it a lot easier for your body to take up the carbohydrate glycogen energy released by these food substances, and this produces sharp increases in the blood glucose levels. This consequently puts extra stress on the body’s internal mechanism as it tries to balance this sharp increase and in the process your body intuitively stores the energy an extra fat! Usually, carbohydrates consumed in their unrefined states take more time to metabolize in the body enhancing lover over all glucose levels.

The results derived from the low carb diets is mostly in the fact that compels you to get rid of most refined carbohydrates, to take foods in their unrefined states and take foods that contain fewer calories which consequently  means your calorie intake is reduced. If you approach low carb diet from the proper perspective you definitely experience weight loss.

Low-Carbohydrate Diets: Are they Effective in Weight Loss?

The typical American eats about twice as much protein than they need. A few people wanting to be thin are taking low carb diets and in the process taking up to four times the protein their bodies require. Protein insufficiency is definitely not an issue in America. Therefore, precisely how much protein do you require? Without doubt much less than you suppose.

Protein is an important nutrient, crucial to your wellbeing. In the unadulterated form it contains chains of amino acids. We have 22 amino acids that come together to form diverse proteins, and 8-9 of which have to come from the food we take. Our bodies make use of these amino acids in creating muscles, blood, skin, air, nails and interior organs. Protein assists in replacing and forming new tissue, carrying oxygen and nutrients in our blood cells, controls the equilibrium of water and acids and is important in making antibodies.

Nonetheless, excess of anything good may not be good for you. A lot of people are putting their health in jeopardy through the intake of excessive protein. Too much protein intake, especially animal protein can cause heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and kidney stones. As significant as protein is for the body, there are lots of misgivings about the amount we really require in our diet and the finest means of obtaining it.
The American heart association and the national institute of health suggest that as small as 50-60 grams of protein is okay for many grownups. This means about 10-12% of total calories. Your system requires 0.36 (if you want to consider it in kilograms multiply this in kilograms by 8). This will inform you of how much you need daily n grams. Generally, infants, children, pregnant and nursing women nee more than this.

People on low carb diets are eating up to 34% of their full calories in portentous form and about 53% of total calories in fat form. Lots of these people are ignorant of the amount f protein that the food they eat consists. For example, a usual 3-ouce beef hamburger, which is little by our standards, has about 22grams of protein and 20grams of fat. You attain speedy weigh loss taking these diets as a result of this high fat content. Foods with high fat content give the feeling of being full, sooner so you eventually eat fewer calories. But this method of combining protein and fat is not healthy. Animal protein is full of cholesterol and saturated fat. A lot of people on these diets go through a rise in their LDL (the bad) cholesterol level when they stay on this diet for prolong periods of time. A high level of LDL cholesterol in the blood blocks arteries, and is the major reason for heart diseases, principally heart attack and stroke. Therefore while you may experience weight loss in the short run, you cardiovascular health is put at risk in the long haul.

An additional explanation why weight loss is attained on these low carb diets at last on the short run is due to dehydration. The raise in the level of protein taken, particularly, through meat and dairy products, increases the amount of uric acid and urea in the blood. These are dangerous end-products of protein breakdown and metabolism. The body gets rid of this uric acid and urea by propelling lots of water into the kidney and the urinary tract to help wash out it out. Nevertheless, the harmful side effect of this diuretic reaction is the removal of crucial minerals from the body, as well as calcium. Excessive protein intake leaks calcium from the bones. This consequently leads to osteoporosis.

A medical fact demonstrates that for every one gram rise in animal protein consumed, the body loses an average of 1.75 milligrams of calcium in urine. Furthermore, as calcium and other minerals are filtered from the bones, they are dropped in the kidneys, which can develop into painful kidney stones. If this kidney stones accumulates and become big enough to cause a blockage, it impedes the flow of urine from the kidney and must be removed through surgical procedure or other means.

Plant based proteins such as beans, legumes and soy foods additionally make available fiber, which assists in lowering the LDL cholesterol and raises HDL (good) cholesterol. This impedes the accumulation of arterial plaque which causes atherosclerosis (hardening if the arteries) and heart disease. This thereby reduces the threat of heart attack and stroke.  The quality and variety of protein in your diet has a significant effect on calcium absorption and excretion.

Vegetable-protein foods improve calcium preservation in the body, which ensures less calcium is passed out with urine. This consequently minimizes the possibility of having osteoporosis and kidney problems. Fascinatingly, kidney diseases are a lot less common in people who take vegetable-based diet than those who consume animal based diets. By taking vegetable protein as a replacement for animal proteins, and substituting unsaturated fats for saturated fats (such as olive and canola oils). You can stay away from the danger of the usual high protein low carb diet. You will do better health wise and control your weight while benefiting from a variety of sweet and nutritionally solid high fiber foods.

Keep in mind, eat moderate portions and not excessively. In addition, the best way to achieve weight loss and maintain it is to eat nutritiously and make once and for all lifestyle alterations that ensures that you burn more calories that you consume.

Calorie Burning- the Optimum Walking Speed

Calories burn can be truly improved if you choose a very straightforward but efficient way. This will inturn lead to weight loss. If your walking tempo is optimal yet safe. Your best walking speed can be identified by definite sure ‘symptoms of exertion’ when you are walking-namely, from your pattern of breathing and your capability to speak during the workout. For instance, if we have a scale of five, from the least to the most exertion, it is possible to gauge how quickly we are walking by the shortness of the breath and how hard it is to talk. Your scale from one to five could be as follows;

Level 1: the exhaustion you experience if subsequent to lying on a couch watching television you have to walk for instance getting up and opening the front door. Breathing is calm and unhurried.

 Level 2: The level of exhaustion you feel when you are walking in your room thinking deeply, breathing is vigorous but not speedy.

Level 3: The kind of exhaustion you feel when you walk gently to the corner store, Breathing is deeper. It takes some time to slow down after exertion.

Level 4: The kind of exertion you feel if you were trying to catch up an appointment ….and going through a form of exercise such as walking. Breathing becomes hastier. The exertion will allow talking but with little difficulty.

Level 5: This is a no-no stage. This is where you carry it too far…working out too hard, too speedy—and experiencing a deep tiredness and severe uneasiness in breathing and speaking.

The bottom line of the heart rate, for the best calorie burn condition, should be to endeavor and workout at about 70 to 80% of your utmost ability. Therefore, you should endeavor to be at level four on your exertion scale.

At this level, your walking tempo will just be okay for the maximum calorie burn without doing too little or too much. As you progress in your walking program, and your metabolism gets‘re-oriented’ for  elevated calorie burn, your actual walking pace may alter. For instance if you were doing 4km/hr before, you’ll discover you are able to 6km/hr. does this connote that you have les calorie burn at 4km/hr than at 6km/hr. definitely not. The walking pace gets better naturally as you go on with the program, because body weight plummets, consequently, even if you are you are walking with more speed, it does not necessarily mean you are  exerting at the 4th level.

Your walking at the 4th level is identified by your breathing and feeling more rapid, and ability to speak through the exertion though difficult is possible. Hauling a heavier body weight previously, you perhaps have attained the exertion level 4 when you walk at just 4km/hr. now that your weight is lighter, you might be up to 6km/hr before you experience the same signs of exertion. Don’t get carried away by merely the walking speed. Bear in mind, the key thing is the overall level of exertion. Because this is what causes calories to burn and not just the walking speed.

Speedy-Burn, Not Crash-Burn

How to burn fat rapidly is a subject that is a concern for anyone that has any weight to lose. two methods of burning fat rapidly are; speedy burn and crash burn.

A few weight loss psychology professionals assert that our bodies indicate silent ‘fat set’ levels that they then draw on as ‘danger level’ gauges. Whenever weight drops beyond that level, our bodies persistently start holding on to defensive fat. Consequently, the more you attempt to lose weight, the more defiant your body becomes. How to achieve burning fat then becomes a Challenging matter with your own body.

To further illustrate this point, it seems that impulsive weight loss diets and abrupt energetic workouts are sensed by the body as dangers to harmony and tranquility. So that might be one reason why impromptu diets and abrupt workouts don’t achieve results. If our bodies perceive these as ‘crash points’ why wont the body increase on the fat stores the moment we quit or reduce the speed of your workouts in readiness peradventure we start the ‘distress’ again.

In understanding how to burn fat rapidly, we have to primarily understand the psychology of the mind-body relationship. What the mind perceives as normal and probable, the body might see it as a danger. In my book I have spelled out a walking –based plan to fashion a body that is ‘retrained’ as soon as possible to make a vibrant speedy-burn machine, more and more unsurprisingly effective at eliminating unnecessary calories.
Also we love a body that does not get unnecessarily over-protective of its surplus fat stores, expecting ‘crash-burn’ trauma. Since walking is a normal and temperate body process, it doesn’t pose a ‘crash threat’ to the body. The opposition to the change is consequently less. That is why walking maybe more effective than most types of workouts and assists the body in maintaining its normal weight and fat burning speed on the long run.

The critical idea behind burning fat speedily is to get the body into;
a)      Initiate the body’s own fat burning machinery, so it ultimately takes over its work at maximum pace without requesting more and more efforts from the workout itself.

b)      Give the body less grounds to frantically guard its fat stores. And certainly not to increase the body’s fat accumulation by giving it extra fear of ‘exercise stress’.

It usually astonished a lot of people that some appearance of ‘crash workout’ cause just the opposite outcome on the human body that expected. Meanwhile a ‘non-aggressive’ workout such as walking performs magic-and right from the beginning. In view of the fact that walking is in integral component  of our daily doings, it feels like nothing extra-ordinary. It does not bring about any resistance. It correlates with the body’s own intelligent intuition on how to burn fat fast, which are better than lots of our theories of fat burn.
It is a thin line between obtainable ideal of ‘fast weight loss’ (speedy burn) and the unfeasible dream of ‘instantaneous weight loss’ (crash burn). Understanding that dissimilarity is knowing the secret of how to shed fat fast.

Fat Burners- Can they Reduce Hips and Reduce Thighs Fats?

There are many kinds of fat burners that have filled the market, and each one of them have been claimed to be a magical solution for weight loss. Having so many choices make sit difficult for you to make a right choice. All these solutions promise that they can give you excellent results should you try them, but this claim is probably too good to be true. Even though such products have been designed to speed up your metabolism, some of them are actually harmful to your health. Because of this, you may find yourself uncertain of what choice to make. In this article, we will attempt to explore options that are safe and cost effective to reduce hips and thighs, or burn fat from your body.
You should have done some research before you finally decide on a fat burner. The Internet is full of thousands of sites that offer products to burn fats with glowing benefits. You should ensure that these websites have a guarantee for their claims that is backed up by clinical testing and FDA approval. Once you have confirmed this, you need to determine if there will be any unwanted side effects from using such products. Safety is a very vital factor to consider. The ingredients of the product should not be able to cause any complications to you personally. Another means of determining the safety of a product is by visiting online forums that discuss the product so as to read what people have experienced using it.
Once you have determined the effectiveness of the product, cost is another factor that should be considered next. Cost will definitely vary because of difference in ingredients and quality. You want to avoid any product that is too cheap. Since this is a health choice, you want to be sure that you are not saving money at the expense of your health. What you are looking for is a product that offers you the best of both worlds - a good price and high quality. Also when you want to buy a fat burner, m you need to check if cost is inclusive of assistance needed to set up a healthy program for you. What guarantee is on offer? Some products offer a 30-day guarantee or money back, but you should note that some people usually take a month for their body to respond to changes in their lifestyle. As such, you wan to choose a product with a 60-day guarantee. Ideally, as you search for a fat burner you want a high quality natural fat burner that will not put a hole in your pocket.
Some very good natural fat burners are available that you can combine with your manufactured product. This combination is sure to give you an ultimate effect. For example, pears are good natural fat burners.  They are rich in fiber and so when you eat pears, you consume fewer calories. Because pears have high fiber content, you tend to feel full quickly. Also grapefruit is another natural fat burning enzymes, which lower the body’s insulin level, thus reducing fat.
If you get hungry a lot, you should try eating a handful of almonds as it reduces your hunger. Almonds contain a high level of protein, and when taken with yoghurt, make for a very healthy snack. Also, dark chocolate burns off fat because of the high anti-oxidants, which prevent the accumulation of fat. Navy beans reduce cholesterol because of its soluble fiber. After all this research for the perfect fat burner, you will want to know hoe effective it will be.
Fat burners are successful because they speed up the rate at which your body burns calories. But if you do not maintain your daily calorie intake, then whatever effect it may have will be reduced. One way to establish what your calorie intake should be is to use your bone size, body height and lifestyle. Once you have established what you require daily, you should try to maintain this. If you can control your intake of calories, in addition to a good priced high quality fat burner, you are well on your way to reducing your hips, and thighs or any other area of the body.

Weight Loss Exercise- 30minutes or Less per Day

It is not a herculean task to lose weight. The easiest way for you to lose weight is simply by not eating a lot. But that is not very appealing to many people because of how unpleasant it can be.  It can also be detrimental to your health and body. In your bid to lose weight, the most important fact you must consider is the kinds of food that you eat. Endeavor to eat healthy foods, and then engage in proper exercise.
Some people find it boring to exercise, but it does not have to be so. It is also not necessary to have extensive periods of exercise just because you want to achieve weight loss. That is the mistake that a lot of people make, thinking that they should put in at least one hour of exercise daily to be able to get rid of excess pounds. No thanks to all the garbage gathered from magazine s and daytime television. The kind of exercise that really works in losing weight is 30 minutes of a certain type of exercise on a daily basis.
The key is to burn a lot of calories, and in other to achieve this then you need an increased amount of attention to what you are doing. For example, in a session of regular cardio exercises you should increase your intensity for as long as you can before reducing it to normal. This method of exercising is known as interval training or H.I.T.
Performing high intensity intervals o the treadmill or elliptical causes your body to burn a ton of calories in a short amount of time. This means that even if you work out for half your usual time, you are still able to burn more calories than your partner who may have been exercising for an hour.
Also, when you exercise in this way, you continue to burn off a lot of calories even after your session is over. This is usually referred to as “after burn effect”. It occurs because your metabolism has been significantly raised. As a result, your body tries to return to homeostasis by burning calories from your fat store. This is quite impressive, right?
So, while relaxing and watching TV, your body continues to burn a high amount of calories even after your workout sessions because your metabolism is still high. When it comes to losing weight, interval training is perhaps the best method to use for your workout sessions. This way you don’t have to become a slave to the treadmill. All that is required is about 30minutes at a time to conveniently burn off excess body fat and have a great workout.

How to Lose Weight Fast- The Healthy Way

To lose weight effectively, you will also need to build up your muscle, as well as increase your flexibility, while you burn off the excess fat. If you follow this method, then you will still be able to lose weight without the stress of daily gym sessions. You can also continue to enjoy your favorite foods.
Weight loss requires commitment and one of the first things you must do is to set a goal for yourself. However, you must be realistic in setting your goals so as not to get discouraged. You can use any of the common BMI (body mass index) calculators on the Internet to find out your BMI. With this information, you are able to decide the best healthy weight for you and work towards that.
Having set a realistic goal for your weight loss, you can map out your strategy for achieving your desire. Your eating habits must change. This is perhaps the biggest change you will have to make if you want to lose a significant amount of weight. When you start to eat healthy foods that nourish your body, your energy level will be increased and you will be motivated to exercise. This in turn will make you feel better about your body.
Diet & Nutrition: Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. For you to achieve a high metabolism, it has been recommended by health experts that you should have about 6 small meals on a daily basis. However, this may not be feasible for a lot of people. The best option would be to plan for your usual daily meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), but then include some healthy snacks in between meals. This lets you have the recommended 6 meals a day. Also, you must be aware of the amount of calories that you consume daily. You can determine this using any online calculator.
When planning for your daily meals and snacks, ensure that you include as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. When you are able to choose healthy foods at the supermarket, then you will be forced to eat healthy at home. You should stay away from empty calories like processed sugars, white grains (white bread, white rice, white potatoes etc) and sweetened drinks.  It is more preferable to eat lean protein, such as chicken breast but without the skin, lean beef and trimmed pork cuts. Your snacks can also include nuts, fruits, granola, yogurt or part skim cheese. Your body is able to lose unwanted pounds more efficiently when you consume healthy foods more than sugar preservatives.
Water is very essential and you should drink lots of it.  You can decide to add some lemon, lime or orange juices to add some flavor.
You must be able to control the portions of everything you eat. Once in a while, you may indulge in some form of dessert but try not to make it regular and ensure that it does not exceed your daily calorie intake. Otherwise, you should spend more time exercising in your next workout so as to make up for it.
Exercise: To lose weight, you should learn to practice two types of exercise. Your workout sessions should include mostly cardio exercises and a good amount of strength training. These two types of exercise allow you to burn fat and lose weight.
The importance of cardio exercises is that they tend to give your heart and lungs more strength, burn calories and reduce stress. Your energy level will also get a boost. The types of exercise that you can perform are walking, jogging, jumping jacks, elliptical machine, bike riding and many more. For people who are not involved in a lot of physical activity on a daily basis, you should begin with easier cardio exercises so as to build up your stamina. For example, you can start with walking briskly then move on to jogging and finally light running. Your goal should be to partake in some cardio exercise for about 30 minutes, 5 times a week, or you could have some 20minutes vigorous activity for 3 days of the week.
However, it is not enough to engage in cardio exercises alone, because you may end up burning muscle instead of fat. You can avoid this by including strength training in your workout sessions, which with result in a fit toned look that everyone desires. Also, muscle tissue will help your body to burn calories and maintain a high metabolism.  Unless you are involved in regular physical activity, then you should start slow and work your way up to three strength-training exercises for about 30 minutes. This way, you can still lose weight without needing to visit a gym.
The exercises that help you train for strength are those that use weight for resistance. Of course, you don’t have to always lift a dumbbell or look for a weight machine because you can use your own body as an effective tool for strength training.  Some of these exercises can even be done in your home, such as push-ups, sit-ups, lunges and squats while watching TV.  Always remember that you are allowed to start slowly, and rest in between. Be sure that you are using proper weights. You can begin with a single set of 10-12 repetitions for each move, and increase it gradually until you are able to complete 3 sets of 12 reps for each muscle group.
A combination of healthy eating habits, strength training and cardio exercises are very helpful to lose pounds quickly and efficiently. As you make these small changes to your lifestyle, they will give you a better look and feel, as well as increase your self confidence.
The following key points will help you stay on track with your weight loss goal
·        Purchase healthy foods – When you go shopping, endeavor to avoid buying junk foods so that they are unavailable to you when you get a craving for them. Rather, stock up your home with other healthy options that you can eat.
·        Prepare meals before time – With your meals already prepared, it is easier for you to stick to eating right
·        Eat more often- (like every 3 hours) – You don’t have to eat when you are already starving. Plan your meals so that you can snack some 2-3 hours after breakfast, lunch or dinner.
·        Go with healthy food – when you have to go out to work, school or the movies, you can take along some food with you so that you don’t get tempted to buy fast foods. This way, you always have a healthy option available to eat.
·        Don’t go out on empty stomach – As much as possible, you should avoid eating junk foods out of hunger by ensuring that you eat at home and take along a snack with you.
·        Give yourself a treats – Once in a while, you are allowed to have treats, even ice cream, as long as you watch the amount of calories you take.
·        Make record of your progress for motivation – as you continue your exercise regularly, it also helps to track your weight loss by taking pictures and recording your measurements.
It is not a herculean task to lose weight. If you can start with these simple steps, then you are well on your way to shedding those excess pounds. As long as you are determined to reach your goal, you can do it and you will end up feeling better about yourself.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hypnosis for Weight Loss

You may decide that you do not need to read the rest of the article because the simple truth is that yes, hypnosis does work for weight loss. However, for the curious ones amongst us, this article attempts to explore the how and why of this method.
Definition of Hypnosis
You may have gone through a journey, only to realize that you have no memory of the journey. It is amazing that some even complete a journey on auto-pilot, and only manage to become conscious of their surroundings when faced with unexpected hazard. This is what hypnosis feels lie. It is a kind of trance that one enters and exits at will.
It is not true that hypnosis is a state of being controlled or feeling any different. Some people who have gone through hypnosis have described it as a form of relaxation because of its calming effect. They also note that they appear to be more aware of they sight, sounds and actions. It is as if time is standing still, and there is a good recollection of everything. Nothing seems to change and you find yourself adjusting to your new habits without much effort.
It is the effect of relaxation that hypnotherapy uses to gain access to a persons consciousness at a deeper level. With such access, it is possible for your hypnotherapist to make suggestions on changing the way you feel, think and behave. These suggestions are easily acceptable by you in this state.
How Hypnosis Works for Weight Loss
There is almost no difference at all between a hypnotic trance and when a person is said to “zone out”. The simple fact is that your mind opens up to ideas and suggestions when you are very relaxed, but not asleep. When you are motivated to change, your weight loss goals is more easily achievable, just like for any traditional diet. As long as you are not motivated to change, then it does not matter what diet you use, or hypnotic session, there will be no long-term result.
Many of us are very comfortable when it comes to relaxing. This makes it easy for us to be hypnotized. As soon as we are relaxed, then ideas and suggestions can be fed to our minds, which will encourage a good behaviour change. For those who have a personal therapist, then this method can be tailored to fit the individual.  But for those in group sessions, or those using a general product from a provider, the therapist will likely make generic suggestions based on his own professional experience. Either way, you are free to accept what you prefer, which is why some may claim that the method does not work.
Some generic suggestions to lose weight may include the following:
·        Healthy eating principles such as less fat/sugar and more fruit vegetable
·        Eating less
·        Motivation for exercise
·        Disliking certain ‘problem foods’ such as crisps or chocolate
·        Stop emotional eating
·        Curbing cravings
Can Hypnosis Help you?
For some people, they are no worried about the results that hypnosis gives, because it seems to good to be true. They don’t expect weight los to be so easy to achieve. There is no way that hypnosis will work if you are not ready to make it work. For hypnosis to be effective whatever the suggestion may be such as robbing a bank, performing like a monkey or losing weight, your unconscious mind will only do what you are willing to do. An unforgettable instance of hypnosis is that of a friend who was deeply hypnotized to perform on stage. However, as soon as she was asked to do something she was too embarrassed to do, she immediately became conscious again.
Hypnosis is only a successful weight loss method if and how much you want it to work for you. No one can suggest a change in your behaviour, not even a medical doctor or hypnotherapist. As long as you do not eat right, then you will continue to gain extra pounds. But for those with a genuine concern about their weight, and don’t know how to go about it, hypnosis is perhaps a great and easy solution that is also very effective. Just by making suggestions to your brain, you can be made to make behaviour changes without you even knowing why.

Natural Foods for Weight Loss

A lot of fad diets can help you to lose weight. However, as soon as you complete the diet, you are likely to put on all the weight again. Losing weight does not have to be a difficult task because there is a lot of healthy food options that can help you keep off the extra pounds. Making these foods part of your diet on a regular basis will ensure that you retain a healthy size and shape.
·        Avocados – Some people see avocadoes as an unhealthy food choice because they have high amounts of fat and calories. What they don’t know is that the fat contained in avocadoes are the healthy type, and are essential for the body to absorb other nutrients. Even the calories are also full of essential nutrients that the body needs. When your diet consists of avocadoes, you will be full and able to avoid other empty calorie foods. In taking avocadoes, you can mash them up as dressing for your salad, or dice them with rice and beans. For lovers of fruit smoothies, mixing avocadoes with other fruits gives you a rich and creamy flavor.
·        Nuts and Seeds – Another food that contains high amounts of fats and calories are nuts and seeds. You may have been warned to eat these moderately, but in reality these kinds of fats and calories are essential for your body. Nuts are easy to pack up on a journey so you can munch on them at intervals. For your salads, they equally make good toppings. To take advantage of their nutrients, it is recommended that you eat them raw or toast them lightly in coconut oil. This will bring out their flavor.
·        Leaf Vegetables – Your digestive system should be cleaned regularly, and leaf vegetables provide the nutrients and fiber that help to clean out your system. This in turn will help you lose weight. Because they have low calorie content, you can also mix them up with avocadoes, nuts and seeds. When making salad, combine your leaf vegetables with mashed avocado, some lemon juice and some salt. Onions and garlic will also help and you can include them if you like them. They help to improve your body’s overall health.
·        Sprouts – if you want to lose weight, then sprouts is another food that should be included in your diet because they are very healthy and also cheap. It is also not difficult to find them as you can have sprouts growing right there in your own kitchen. Any seed that has been organically prepared can be sprouted, and then can be used in salads, sandwiches, wraps and smoothies. However, ensure that you wash them thoroughly before you use them. Also remove the hulls from their seeds and that there is no mold on them.
A regular addition of these foods in your diet will cause you to gradually lose weight. This is a preferable method for losing weight, because when you lose weight drastically, it is not healthy and you are likely to regain it over time.

The Effect of Alcohol on Weight Loss

When people talk about weight loss, alcohol is usually not recommended for consumption because it has a lot of bad effects. Alcohol is full of calories that reduce the ability of your body to burn fat.  In starting a weight loss journey, it is more important for you to make changes to your diet, rather than just adopting any diet. You should learn to control your drinking more, than striving to completely avoid drinking beer or wine.
To achieve this, you need to be informed on what alcohol does to your body. Alcohol kills your brain cells and reduces your body’s ability to burn fat by about 70%. It is full of calories and does not give the body any nutritional value. You will also feel dehydrated causing you to drink even more. Taking alcohol reduces the ability to make good food decisions, as well as depriving you of the much-needed sleep your body needs for a healthy lifestyle.
When you know the impact that alcohol has on your body, it can help your desire to lose weight because you are better able to choose wisely regarding your drinking habits. Whatever your decision is, you should remember that the key to losing weight is to make sure the amount of calories that you consume is not more than what your body will burn on a daily basis. Therefore, even if you decide to take alcohol, you should watch out for the calories you are consuming.
What makes alcohol affect the body in such a bad way is as a result of how it is metabolized. When you consume calories, your body processes it on a first come first serve basis. Therefore your body will be busy processing empty calories from alcohol while calories from other foods are neglected and converted to fat.
Trying to avoid this by skipping meals is not a good idea. You must strive to maintain a healthy eating habit, and this can be done if you remove a few calories from each meal and avoid drinking more than one alcoholic beverage a day.
For the purpose of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you should consider carefully how you choose to consume alcohol. Studies have show that one beer or glass of wine is beneficial to the health because wine contains antioxidants, which boost health. However you should take note that some wines and beers are high on calories. If you choose to drink while trying to lose weight, then you are better off to stick to beer like Guinness. A 12-ounce Guinness has about 120 calories, which is similar to that found in wine.

Salt Water Flush or Master Cleanse

Have you ever tried the Master Cleanse or Salt Water Flush? Maybe your experience was unpleasant, just like my first time. I just could not keep the salt water down. I found it too salty and it left me feeling like I had been through some sort of trauma. Just the thought that I would have to go through another session was a nightmare on its own.  I am not trying to blow things out of proportion because this is exactly how I felt.
Perhaps, for other people, the process is less distasteful. At least I am aware of one person who is able to carry out the flush exercise without feeling any displeasure. This may be just a unique situation however, and since I am persuaded to finish my 10-days Master Cleanse program, I had to do some research online.
This article is not intended to discourage you from such products. It only aims to inform the sensitive ones amongst us. In the end, I was able to find a way to drink salty water.
·        You should alternate your salt-water mix with water so that the water washes down the salty taste. However, be careful that you do not consume too much water so as not to dilute the salty water.
·        When taking the flush, try holding your nose together.  You could also keep your eyes shut. As a kid I would do this, whenever I did not like the taste of the food I was eating. As funny as this sounds, it does work and even has a scientific basis. Because taste is influences by what you smell, pinching your nose makes the flavor less noticeable.
·        Very similar to the second trick, this one involves your imagination where you can pretend to be drinking a chicken soup/broth. Some people may not be able to pull this off, unless you have a great imagination.
·        Another weird trick that actually works is to use a straw while drinking the salt water. The reason this trick works is because the taste buds that are sensitive to salty taste are at the tip and sides, so using a straw causes you to avoid those taste buds, and the saltiness of the mixture.
·        If none of the tricks above works for you, another option you can explore is to picture what you will look like after the Master Cleanse. This will energize you and enable you to achieve weigh loss too.