Monday, August 6, 2012

Is Quinoa A Healthy Weight Loss Food?

Quinoa is pronounced as KEEN-wah; it is a very nutritious whole grain cultivated in the Andes of South America and is a staple food for the Inca Indians and their offspring for many centuries. The word quinoa actually means "Mother Grain" even though it is a seed, it is in the class of foods known as "ancient grains", and also in this group are Amaranth, Buckwheat, Barley, Spelt, Kamut, and Millet.

Very much like most ancient grains, it is highly nutritious and is off course a healthy weight loss food. Quinoa is quiet high in plant protein, but not as high as a few other whole grains. Quinoa is digestible, about 90%. This means that the quality of protein found in it is as good as or even better than that in animal milk. As a matter of fact, it has all the essential and vital amino-acid.


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