100 Weight Loss Advise(part 20)
(92)Do Away with your Favorite Food Forever. Some people give up their favorites, typically sweet or fatty foods such as chocolates, burgers, fries, and pizza, when they're on the verge of weight loss. By denying themselves now, they are more likely to succumb to temptation and excessively indulge themselves later, thus gaining the weight they lost in the first place. Hence, most experts recommend a day or two where you can get a taste of your favorite foods every week. This can help you control your desires, thereby decreasing the possibility of backsliding on your own weight loss program.
(93)NES otherwise known as the night eating syndrome affect a lot of people in various ways. Some persons usually eat through the day and still devour large amounts of food in the evening. Others may minimize their eating during the day or stay without food altogether so that they can save the calories up to balance their night time eating cravings. Need i say that this is also a common cause of weight gain, or the fact that you most avoid this if you desire weigh loss?
What are the Common signs of NES?
· Not eating breakfast
· Abstinence from food or barely eating during the day
· Eating significant portion of the daily calories after the evening
· Uneven sleep patterns
· Constant interruption of sleep in order to eat.
· Eating plenty junk food, with very high carbohydrates.
(94)You have toiled tirelessly to drop some pounds. Now you are thinking if you quit training, will all the extra weight you you’ve lost come back? Will you go back to being as fat as you were before you started exercising? The answer to the question is straight forward. If you cease in doing your job, will you still get paid? Maybe this is not a good illustration. The message is why would you quit something that will make your health in top shape and gives you weight loss?
(95)When you eat is crucial to weight loss and health. For example, a meal or snack near bedtime interferes with the body's ability to release human growth hormone, preventing you from entering deep sleep, building muscle, and repairing damage to your body. When you skip meals, your metabolism drops, and your body begins turning every spare calorie into fat. Skipping meals is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit.
(96)The cause of obesity is not limited to just individual decisions and lifestyle. Your genes play a good role also. The best to do is to watch your weight if you notice that any of your family members is obese. Generally, it seems to be hard to watch what we eat considering that we have very little free time with work and family commitments. Nevertheless, it is not compulsory that we devour everything put before us in a fast food chain or even at dinner. For instance, burger appears good and may taste good as a lot of people can testify but it is full of surplus fats and calories. As a matter of fact, just one burger is filled with one meal’s worth of calories but your body does not see it that way. Therefore after eating a burger, you might still feel hungry though your body does not require the additional energy more food will make available.
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