Monday, May 2, 2011

Can Snacks help you lose Weight?

In a recent experiment conducted by a nutrition professor at Kansas University, he consumed less than 1800 calories of mostly Twinkies and similar snack cakes all in a bid to lose weight. Without exercising for two months, he was able to lose 27 pounds. He lowered his bad cholesterol while raising his good cholesterol and his body mass index once again became normal. Is this a possible method to lose weight and how healthy can it be?
From this experiment, we can take away one important fact. If you plan to lose weight, then it is very necessary to count your calorie intake. This professor was able to prove from his study that for you to lose weight, you don’t have to be bothered about fat content, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, nutrients metabolism etc.  As long as your goal is solely to lose weight then the best way to achieve this is to consume fewer calories. You should figure out your daily calorie use and endeavor to consume 500 calories less.
In spite of the obvious success of this method, it does not consider the long-term health risks. It is one thing to adopt this feeding method for two months, but consistently feeding like this for an extensive period may yield different results. On a short-term basis, there was a general health improvement, which is most likely related to getting a normal weight range from being overweight. However, adopting such a diet plan for an extensive period would definitely be detrimental to his health, exposing him to the risk of diabetes, heart attack or high cholesterol.
During his experiment, he also consumed some multivitamin, a few portions of vegetables and daily protein shake. It is more likely that his successful weight loss can be attributed to these supplements more than the snack cakes. If these three supplements were absent from his diet, the outcome of his experiment would have been quite interesting.
It is essential that, in take a drastic step to reduce the amount of calories you consume; you must make up for it with foods that are rich in nutrient. This will greatly preserve you health-wise. As a result, many are prone to agree that the best option for losing weight would be to adopt a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that are about 500 or so calories less than what you would normally burn on a daily basis. So when you plan to lose weight, you should endeavor to consume fewer calories than you burn by eating healthy foods and not Twinkies.


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