Monday, May 2, 2011

The Science of Weight Loss

Like every other areas of life, fat loss has some theories and principles on which it is based. In fact, it has its own science. When you get to understand the science behind weight loss, the whole procedure would be very easy for you and you would achieve your goals in a very short time. Please go through the information below.

Basically, weight loss can be narrowed down to just four main steps:

·         Increase in the level of fat burning and reduction in the level fat consumption
·         Constant weight training
·         Powerful cardiovascular workout
·         Adequate resting period

For today, we will discuss the first of the four steps without going into the technical part. The rest would be discussed later.

Increase in the level of fat burning and reduction in the level fat consumption

This is no rocket science in it. It is straight forward. Surplus calories make you fat irrespective of the source of the calories. Whether they come from fat, carbohydrate or even protein, it does not matter. According to sources, just one gram of fat gives you as much as nine calories, one gram of protein gives you four calories and one gram of carbohydrate also gives four calories. What you should really watch out for is the intake of glycerin carbohydrate.

Between the 70s and 80s the public awareness on the benefit of taking fat-free food was rife. It was more pronounced in the US. Therefore, one would expect Americans to be slim and trim. But in reality, it was the contrary that happened. Despite the war against fatty food, obesity just kept spreading more and more. When it became clear that the battle against obesity was lost, several researches were embarked on. It was later revealed that it is actually high glycerin sugar intake that gives obesity much more than fatty food. This is because it makes the pancreas secret extra insulin and that eventually leads to additional fat.

Some people already have the natural tendency of getting fat no matter what they eat and what they don’t eat. For that type of people, their body does not make use of all the blood sugar completely. The unused sugar gets stored as fats. Even if your diet is fat free, you will still add on some fat because the excess sugar in your body will still get stored as fat. If you belong to this category of people, there is a product that would help you. It would help your body to break down your blood sugar completely and also work on your insulin resistance. It is a Swiss product named “Diabecen”. It contains cinnamon that has been scientifically proved to have the ability to decrease blood cholesterol and also increase the level of insulin sensitivity in the body. Diabecen can expedite your fat loss if combined with a constant workout.

The portion of your meal matters too. Instead of consuming a large chunk of food three times in a day, it is better to consume smaller portion for just six times a day. Generally, your meal should not be more than the size of your clenched fist.

When you wake up in the morning, take about 20 grams of whey protein isolate before taking anything, even before brushing your teeth. Since you have not eaten for several hours of sleep, your body would absorb and make use of the protein very well. Then, take your solid breakfast between 20 to 30 minutes after. This would help you to recover gradually. 

Your breakfast may be more or bigger than your clenched fist. This is because your last meal was over six hours before the breakfast. But other meals should conform to the clenched fist rule. You did not eat during your hours of sleep. Therefore there was no nutrient intake during this period. Oatmeal is about the best breakfast for you.  You could also add a scoop of whey protein isolate and some chopped pieces of fruit to it. You are also advised to take some multi-vitamin along with your breakfast to give your body enough vitamins and nutrients for proper functioning throughout the whole day.

As the day turns into night, you should reduce your carbohydrate intake. Nobody says you should not eat after a particular hour as that is a superstition. You should just drastically cut down your carbohydrate intake after 8pm at night. This is because the body’s metabolic functions are much slower in the night and may not be able to make use of all the sugar that the carbohydrate is converted to. The unused sugar would definitely be stored as fat. Except if you had a great workout late in the night. If that is the case, then you could take any drink that contains either carbohydrate or protein or both after the workout.

For the fourth point, it is recommended that you take a high glycerin carbohydrate drink with some whey protein isolate immediately after your workout. It would replenish your lost glycogen. The whey protein would enhance quick recovery of all body tissue. If it is available, you should add a teaspoon of amino acid L-Glutamine to your post workout drink. This would make your body absorb protein even more.

Your body breaks down energy and uses it up rapidly during an exercise session. So your body would definitely need a fast replenishment immediately after the work out. It is only a high GI carbohydrate that can be helpful. A low GI carbohydrate can not replenish the body’s lost energy fast. This is the reason a high glycerin carbohydrate drink is preferred to a low GI carbohydrate drink after a workout. Immediately after a workout, your body’s metabolism would be very high and if you take a high GI carbohydrate and protein drink at that point, your body would use up everything almost immediately, none would be stored as fat.

Between 45 – 60 minutes after taking your drink, you should have a solid low GI meal with some protein. A very good combination is two slices of rye bread, some salad and some grilled chicken breast not bigger than your palm.

Before you go to bed, take a casein based protein. Not whey protein this time, this is because whey protein gets digested too quickly. A casein based protein takes several hours to digest, that is why you should take it before you go to bed. The brain is believed to secret growth hormone (GH) into the bloodstream during the first 90 minutes of deep sleep. When this hormone is coupled with the protein that is slowly being released into the same bloodstream, your recovery from all kinds of stress would be quick and you would have a wonderful sleep.

If your objective is just weight loss, reduce your carbohydrate intake as much as possible. You do not have to remove it from your diet completely because it is also beneficial to the body. Your breakfast should consist of oatmeal, some chopped fruit, some cinnamon, some natural honey and some whey protein. The meal would be a slow and steady source of energy to you throughout the day.

Do not forget your protein too. For protein, eat skinless chicken breast, turkey breast, tuna, lean cuts of steak, lean cuts of beef, egg whites, broccoli and soy. You should also take protein drinks and bars.

Essential fatty acids are important too. For this purpose, you should take salmon, fresh water fish, avocado’s nuts and organic peanut butter. You can also take some fatty acid supplements like omega 3 and omega 6 capsules. This is because they enhance the using up of more body fat.


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