Saturday, July 16, 2011

Three Weight Loss Foods (part 1)


Eating one apple a day can get your weight loss plans on the go, this has being proven by research studies conducted at The Penn State University.  There is also evidence that those who consumed an apple before taking a paster meal ended up eating less calories than persons who hard something else other than apple. Every apple fruit comes packed with lots of fiber which makes you feel full and less hungering, thus helping you to consume smaller portions of food and achieve healthy weight loss. Apple contains antioxidants which enables your body to fight against metabolic problems.

Slow metabolism could lead to belly fat as well as excess weight gain. Apple is capable of speeding up your metabolic process thereby leading to proper digestion and healthy weight loss. Apart from the benefit of losing weight, their are other health benefit associated with apple. No wonder folks say- an apple a day will keep you away from the doctor. Consuming apple could help cleanse the bowel and prevent diseases like cancer.

Black beans

Those who consume beans usually weigh less than those who do not. Beans is well reputed to solve the problem of belly fat. Beans contains fat busting nutritional elements and is ideal for weight loss. It has both soluble as well as insoluble fiber content, need i say that beans is proteinous? It is virtually the most proteinous plant food source. To top it all up, beans contains a speciall kind of carbohiydrate commonly known as resistant starch and is fantastic in burning fat and inducing weight loss.


Cauliflower is a superb vitamin C source: About half a cup gives you approximately 36%  of your daily demand for vitamin C. It is important to note that this cruciferous vegetable is also a cancer fighting food. Research has proven that it colud help in preventing or lowering risk of colorectal, lung and stomach cancers. Low in calorie and provide lots of fiber, this is definetly a perfect food for weight loss. Cauliflower's versatility as a meal enables it to replace heavier foods and yet provide you with same amount of needed nutrient.


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