Foods to Avoid at All Costs
Very good weight loss plan is eating the right kinds of foods that give you all the nutrients you need without adding to your calories and avoiding foods that increase your calories or that neutralizes your weight shedding and weight maintaining efforts. There are foods that should be taken daily and there are foods that should be forbidden.
Fruit Juices-They can jeopardize your healthy weight loss efforts. If you take fresh apples, squeeze them in a glass and drink it, you have taken apple juice which is the sugary part of an apple. You have also put away the fleshy part that has a lot of vitamins and fiber. We all know that sugar has a lot of calories. Sugar would definitely add to your calories. Does that help your weight loss plan? Manufactured apple juices bought in a store are worse because they are likely to contain about 10 times the quantity of sugar that fresh apples have. That means they would give you 10 times more calories. It is advisable to eat the apple and take a glass of water instead of drinking its juice.
Salad (toppings)-As good as salad may be for your health, the items you mix with it are awfully bad for your health. Salad dressings mostly have more calories than salad itself. It is okay when you get some vegetable salad and add some ham or eggs for protein. For its dressing, use olive oil or vinaigrette instead of cheese and croutons. If you have to use a creamy dressing, put it at the side. Instead of eating the dressing along with your salad, you are advised to dip your fork into the dressing before using it to take some salad into your mouth for every fork of salad you eat. That way, you will have a taste of the dressing without destroying your healthy diet.
Whole-wheat products-Whole-wheat products have as much carbohydrate and calories as normal white bread. Multi-grain products should be avoided because they are not good for your health. Instead, whole-grain products are recommended because of their health benefits.
Artificial sweetener-The body can not differentiate between artificial sweetener and sugar. So, it handles them the same way. Artificial sweetener is worse than real sugar because studies have revealed that it stimulates your appetite for more sugar. You may start taking foods with high sugar content unconsciously or subconsciously. Hence, sugar is preferred to sweetener but minimize your intake because sugar has a lot of calories.
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