Flabby Underarms- How to Get Rid of Them
You can effectively define your upper arm and shoulder, as well as giving your deltoids and triceps some exercising, by using the shoulder press. The shoulder press can be done in three ways as listed below
Resistance Tube
· Your feet and shoulder should be positioned wide apart in the middle of the exercise tube, while keeping your back straight and bending your knees a bit.
· The tube should be behind your arms while you are shoulder length with the handles.
· You should start off with your elbows at the same level as your chest. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, you should press your arms up over your head, making sure that palms face forward until you fully extend your arms.
· As you get back to normal posture, ensure that you breathe properly.
Seated Dumbbell Press
· You need to have a good chair with your dumbbells positioned on the floor in front on the chair
· With your back facing the chairs back, sit at the front edge of the chair.
· Using an overhand grip, pick up your dumbbells. Lift them up until they are level with your shoulder, while keeping your palms forward.
· Take a deep breath and press your arms until they are extended and vertical. Make sure your elbows are also slight bent, and exhale.
Seated Dumbbell Press (Fitball)
· While seating on the fitball, let your back be straight and your feet flat against the deck with the dumbbells in front of you.
· You should finish up the exercise using the same procedure like the seated dumbbell press.
Lateral Raise
This type of exercise is very useful. It is used to promote shape and strength in the upper arms and shoulder region. You can do this exercise in the following ways
Resistance Tube
· With your knees slightly bent, keep your feet apart up to hip level and stand in the middle of the resistance tube.
· Let your arms be resting by your side, and pull back your abs while keeping a straight back.
· Let your arms rise slowly until it is level with your shoulder, while keeping a straight back. Keep your palms downwards with your torso in a still position, and then continue till you return to your starting position.
Standing (dumbbells)
Let you back be straight, your feet wide apart up to hip level and slight bend your knees.
Keep your arms by your side, with a dumbbell in each hand and raise the dumbbell to your shoulder while slightly bending your knees.
Go back to how you started and continue the exercise.
Fitball (Dumbbells)
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and sit on the ball while keeping a straight back and flat feet on the floor
Hang your arms beside you and raise the dumbbells to be level with your shoulder. Go back to how you started and repeat. Ensure that your abs are kept tight.
Upright Row
The shape of your shoulder and its strength can be improved by practicing the upright row. Your trapeziums (upper back/shoulder area) and biceps will benefit from this.
Resistance Tube
Let your feet be in the centre of the resistance tube with your back straight and bend your knees a bit.
Let the handles cross over in front of you while your palms are facing in.
Bring up the handles to your chin level and lift your elbows as high as you can while breathing out.
Gently return back to how you started while breathing in slowly.
Seated Row
One of the exercises that is very essential in your routine is the seated row. This does much to build your back and exercise the lats, rear delts and biceps. Bringing your shoulder blades (scapulae) together causes your traps and rhomboids to be exercised. As you go back to when you started your lats (latissimus dorsi) is also stretched.
While sitting on the floor, let the exercise tube be place at the bottom of both feet, and put your foot around the tube.
Let your legs remain together and slightly bend your knees.
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