Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Weight loss- The Right Way to Go

Thousands of people are quick to jump into weight-loss programs without giving any thought to the demands that such programs exert. This lack of mental preparation has already contributed to a lot of people being defeated in their weight loss purpose simply because they did not eliminate the wrong things initially. I am no expert on suggesting solutions, but I have listed below a few steps that have helped me remain consistent to my program.
1. Don’t look back – Regret is the greatest thief of time. Many have the habit of looking back on areas of failure in their lives, and wonder what could have happened if they had not failed. Just like the bible story of Lots wife who looked back and turned into a pillar salt, we put ourselves in a static and bitter position when we brood on our past defeats. Looking back in regret strains the minds and causes us to grey quickly rather than burn fat. We should always be positive about the future, and expend our time and energy on the task of losing weight. Even though you may have started nth time, assume that this is your first time.
2. Don’t Compare Yourself with Others –There is a reference in the bible where the apostle Paul speaking to the Corinthian church said “we, comparing ourselves amongst ourselves are unwise”. Even though this statement was not related to weight loss, it is worthy of note. By allowing ourselves to look up to another individual, we have in effect reducing our own ability. How do we know that we are unable to exceed the achievements of another? Having the advantage of gaining from others experience, we are able to cultivate our own ideas which will enable us do even better. While we work out, we should endeavor to be the best that we can be instead of emulating another person.
3. Don’t Give Excuses – Another story in the bible tells about the man Gideon who tried to avoid a role in the army of Israel because he felt unqualified and unworthy. This may sound like your story too. However, remember how the story ended with Gideon realizing that his background does not limit his achievements. Therefore, one of the first things you must do to begin your weight loss workout is to remove all excuses. Starting your program should not be hindered by anything even your gene, hereditary sickness, work, environment or belly. Encourage yourself knowing that kings were made from shepherds, medals have been awarded to disabled peoples and millionaires have emerged from paupers. There is no reason you should not succeed at your goal.
4. Don’t listen to your Body – One of the popular quotes in the bible is “the spirit is willing but the body is weak”. For most of us, this is probably a description of our lives. I have come to realize that the body has moods and when we pay attention to those moods, we will be hindered from achieving our goals. A good example is setting a wakeup alarm. Even though we have planned to get up at the particular time, our body wants more rest and so we hit the snooze button. If we continue this habit over time, we will no longer be motivated to wake up early. Therefore, it is important that we ensure that our body is subject to us. We should train our bodies to eat, wake or lose weight when we say so.
5. Don’t Doubt yourself – One way to improve our image is by losing weight, although we may feel hesitant by an inner voice at first when we decide to do this. This is something that we should eliminate from the very beginning otherwise we will find ourselves brooding over our failures and ignoring our achievements. Whatever our weight loss target is, be it 10, 30 or 100 pounds we should have the confidence that we can indeed achieve our target.
6. Don’t Listen to Losers – No doubt many people have attempted to lose weight and have not succeeded. They now take pleasure in hindering others starting out. Even though they may sound professional, you should not allow yourself to be discouraged. Hanging around losers will naturally make us lose, so we should cut them off.
7. Avoid Starving – Juts because you want to lose weight does not mean that you should starve yourself. It only makes you look sickly and ghostly. Your workout plan should be complemented with a proper diet to supplement fat that you burn off. It is important that both our diet and workout is enjoyable. As long as our diet is not fun for us, then the joy of losing weight is gone.
It is my hope that this article has been able to inspire you to take on that weight loss program and succeed at it.


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