Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reasons why People don’t Lose Weight and How Hypnosis can Help

Over the course of my profession as a hypnotherapist specializing in weight loss, I have come across many people who are interested and keen to lose weight. Many of them have tried various diets and failed, and have become desperate to try anything.
The question we should ask is why traditional diets have failed. From experience, I have discovered the following five reasons for this failure, as well as suggesting my solutions.
Motivation – Many of the women you may know will have complained about their size and shape at one time in their life. In spite of this discomfort with their weight, not many are making serious efforts to lose extra pounds. They feel that it is a difficult task to lose weight because it will involve them skipping foods they love. They see this as some form of deprivation, which they are not ready to endure. But with hypnosis, they can avoid this situation. Hypnosis gives you a choice on changing your behavior by using your unconscious mind.
Dieting – Over the last few decades, there has been a misinformation by the billion-dollar diet industry. Weight loss does not occur when you diet. That may sound like something to debate, and perhaps a topic for another article. However it has been researched and shown that the numbers of people who manage to lose weight on a diet are unable to sustain that weight loss over the long term. Restricting your food consumption in any way is simply a means of depriving yourself. Even mentally, knowing that something is restricted to you makes you crave it more, which could eventually lead you to giving in.  And when you get to eat it again, your weight gets back up. With hypnosis, you are able to achieve natural, healthy and balanced weight loss.  And all that is required is to change your food choices, eating behaviour and how you see your body.
Unrealistic Targets – The models and celebrities that are shown on TV have motivated many of us to strive for the perfect size and shape. A huge amount of money and effort is spent pursuing this goal, even for those with wonderful genes. We are all in a hurry to change the way we look so that we are more attractive, forgetting that we are beautiful just the way we are. The reason many people want to lose weight is just because they want to look and feel good. An easy way to gain value for your self worth and beauty is through hypnosis. It also helps you to develop better habits so that you can achieve your goals a lot easier.
Giving Up To Soon – Instant weight loss is something we all wish for, and we are quick to give up after trying different diets for just a few days. We seem to forget that our excess weight accumulated over months and years. With hypnosis, the effect is immediate because your behaviour begins to change the moment you receive the suggestions. Of course it may not make you 14lbs lighter in a week, but I have had experience with a client who lost 7lbs within a week, and claims it was very easy.
Unhealthy Eating – A lot of people enjoy taking chocolate alcohol and fries. These foods have no nutritional value and will not help anyone get thin. One of the benefits of traditional diets is that you are encouraged to eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and low fat food. Hypnosis encourages you to make right choices concerning what you eat, which ultimately improves your mind and body.


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